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Humates: Revolutionizing Equine Health and Performance


Humic and fulvic acids, collectively known as **humates**, are emerging as key players in regenerative agriculture and livestock care. Recent advancements highlight their transformative impact on equine health, offering a range of benefits that optimize gut health, boost nutrient absorption, and support recovery processes. Here’s how humates can enhance your horse’s well-being:


1. Optimizing Gut Health


Humates act as potent prebiotics, nourishing beneficial microbes in your horse’s digestive system. A healthy gut flora is vital for better digestion and efficient nutrient absorption. By fostering a balanced gut microbiome, humates ensure that horses extract maximum nutritional value from their feed, leading to improved overall health and vitality. This often results in a diminishment or elimination of all allergies.


2. Enhancing Nutrient Uptake


Humates are exceptional natural chelating agents. They bind to trace minerals, enhancing their absorption and utilization in the horse’s body. Products like **ReBal SuperMin**, which combine humic and fulvic acids with essential trace minerals, maximize the nutritional value of every meal, supplement, and pasture intake. This leads to healthier, more energetic horses that perform at their best.



3. Supporting Recovery and Detoxification


Humates serve as powerful natural detoxifiers, much like activated charcoal. They help neutralize toxins and promote the body’s natural excretion processes, making them especially beneficial during illness or poisoning. Additionally, humates boost energy levels, which is crucial for horses recovering from injury or preparing for competitive events.


Humic and Fulvic Acids: Nature’s Detoxifiers and Cellular Energizers


Humic Acids: The Ultimate Detoxifier


Humic acids are rich in vital nutrients and have an impressive ability to protect the body’s cells from toxins. By preventing harmful substances from penetrating cells, they enhance immune function and promote healing. In the gut, humic acids support digestion and neutralize invaders like toxins and pathogens. Their detoxifying power extends to reducing inflammation, combating malignant cell growth, and defending the body against a variety of serious health threats.


**Key Benefits of Humic Acids:**

- Reduces inflammation

- Promotes faster healing

- Boosts immune function

- Detoxifies heavy metals and chlorine

- Improves digestive health

- Minimizes allergic reactions


Fulvic Acids: Cellular Energizers


Fulvic acids are essential for revitalizing your horse's cells and enhancing nutrient absorption. They increase cell permeability, allowing nutrients to flow more efficiently into the cells while removing toxins. Fulvic acids also help balance hormones, restore energy, and strengthen the immune system, making them vital for maintaining your horse’s health and vitality.


**Key Benefits of Fulvic Acids:**

- Increases cellular energy

- Enhances nutrient absorption

- Acts as a natural electrolyte

- Boosts immune system resilience

- Balances hormones

- Restores cellular health


ReBal Super-Min: The Ultimate Blend of Humates and Minerals


**ReBal SuperMin** offers a perfect combination of humic acid, fulvic acid, and trace minerals, tailored to optimize equine health. It has been widely recognized in the racing industry for its role in enhancing performance, supporting recovery, and promoting overall wellness in horses. This blend ensures that your horse benefits from improved gut health, increased nutrient absorption, and natural detoxification processes, all of which contribute to a healthier, more resilient animal.


ReBal Super-Min is human food grade and is produced using a patented extraction technology which creates a pure product, unlike other products on the market that have residual chemicals.


Our input material is sourced from a freshwater bog source low in heavy metals and ash, and very high in fulvic and humic acids. Other companies' inputs are leonardite, peat and shale. They often have far lower humic/fulvic content, and much higher heavy metals and contaminants. 


Every batch of Super-Min goes through rigorous third party testing to ensure quality and purity.



100% Organic Human Food Grade Humates

Note: each stick pack contains 350 mg of organic superior Humic and Fulvic acid.



**Disclaimer:** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

ReBalance Super-Min ORGANIC

  • ReBalance Super-Min Organic can be mixed into your horse’s daily feed or dissolved daily into its fresh water source. The average equine will benefit from one stick pack a day.


    Whenever starting a new supplement always start slow (use 1/4 - 1/2 pack daily) increasing the amount each week till the horse is ingesting one stick pack daily.



    100% Organic Human Food Grade Humates

    Note: each stick pack contains 350 mg of organic superior Humic and Fulvic acid.

    • Fitzhenry, Daniel. (25 July 2015). The benefits of Humic - Fulvic (Humates) for Animals and Humans. 
    • Fulvic Health. The Role of Fulvic Acid and Dietary Fiber
    • Forough Ataollahi, John W. Piltz, Geoff R. Casburn, Benjamin W.B. Holman. The quality and nutritional value of beef from Angus steers fed different levels of humate (K Humate S100R),
      Veterinary and Animal Science, Volume 24, 2024, 100355,
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    • Liao Wuquan , Lin Zexu , Liao Minze , Xue Yuan , Zhou Jianing , Wang Yue , Hou Danqing , Sun Chengbo.  Effects of sodium humate and probiotics on growth performance enzyme activity and microbial environment of Litopenaeus vannamei in high-density zero‐water exchange systems. Frontiers in Marine Science,  Volume 9, 2022, DOI=10.3389/fmars.2022.989325, ISSN=2296-7745.  (
    • Marcinčák S, Semjon B, Marcinčáková D, Reitznerová A, Mudroňová D, Vašková J, Nagy J. Humic Substances as a Feed Supplement and the Benefits of Produced Chicken Meat. Life (Basel). 2023 Apr 1;13(4):927. doi: 10.3390/life13040927. PMID: 37109456; PMCID: PMC10146898. (
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